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The Brahma Kumaris acknowledges the intrinsic goodness of all people. Practical method of meditation is taught that helps individuals understand their inner strengths and values. Raja Yoga Meditation is a method of relaxing, refreshing and clearing the mind and heart. It helps you look inside to rediscover and reconnect with your original, spiritual essence. Meditation enables an integration of your spiritual identity with the social and physical realities around you, restoring a functional and healthy balance between your inner and outer worlds. The centres offer courses in meditation, motivational talks and workshops, seminars on positive thinking, self management and stress management.





Brahma Kumaris Nairobi are hosting an international event “Energy of Wings Expo” at a prominent shopping Mall in Nairobi for 3 days from 30th June - 2nd July 2016.

Today people in the world are looking for new alternatives such as holistic, free, renewable energies as well as spiritual energy to develop inner resilience and greater creativity. Both will become an invisible yet powerful force to progress in various fields of life.

The Energy of Wings Expo will display how to achieve and provide clean, secure energy on a foundation of spiritual energy, enabling people to come together across the generations to create common solutions. We would like participation from BK organisations around the world who may be specialized in any areas ie serving various sectors in creative ways such as youth, business, health, substance abuse, environment, education, prison service etc.

Thought of the Day

Thought for today

Don’t Give Sorrow, Don’t Take Sorrow!

Don’t give sorrow, don’t take sorrow! The qualities that stop me giving sorrow are mercy, love and honesty. If someone has these, they will never even think of giving sorrow. I need to be merciful not to give sorrow and I need to be strong in order not to take sorrow. In fact, the moment you stop taking sorrow, your days of happiness have begun. These are your eyes, your ears and your lips – it is up to you whether to take sorrow or not.